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    Request Free License

    Electronic Team, Inc. gives you a unique opportunity!
    Suppose you are interested in electronic engineering, or you have a non-commercial project or a hobby that involves working with COM port devices or serial apps. In that case, we are ready to support you! We would happily provide you with a free Virtual Serial Port Driver license.

    In return, we would appreciate if you could offer the following:
    • a review of our product;
    • a publication about our application;
    • a detailed description of your use case.
    Fill in the request form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
    If you want to request an Academic License from the Electronic Team, fill out the form here.
  • Your Name
    Please enter your first name
    Please enter your email address
    Please, describe your usage scenario and why do you need the free license for our software?
    Please enter your question
    By clicking submit you agree to our Privacy Policy.